Today is Monday, 17th February 2025, 12:08 PM GMT SLOVENSKY
vlajka 64th Ice Hockey World Championship in Russia
From 29th April to 14th May 2000  [ St. Petersburg ]
Preliminary Round
Qualifying Round
Play Off
Player Statistics
Plus/Minus Leaders  
1.HENTUNEN, JukkaFinlandF91129
.KAPANEN, NikoFinlandF91129
3.KUČERA, FrantišekCzech Rep.D91358
4.DOPITA, JiříCzech Rep.F91028
.LIND, JuhaFinlandF91028
6.SÝKORA, MichalCzech Rep.D91367
7.NUMMELIN, PetteriFinlandD91037
8.MARKOV, AndrejRussiaD6927
9.AUCOIN, AdrianCanadaD9927
10.MORRISON, BrendanCanadaF7817
11.BUZEK, PetrCzech Rep.D9826
.LETOWSKI, TrevorCanadaF9826
.VÝBORNÝ, DavidCzech Rep.F9826
14.CHAVANOV, AlexanderRussiaD4716
15.CHARITONOV, AlexanderRussiaF6716
.PROKOPJEV, AlexanderRussiaF6716
17.REGEHR, RobynCanadaD6606
18.NIINIMAA, JanneFinlandD91495
19.PROSPAL, VáclavCzech Rep.F91055
.VARAĎA, VáclavCzech Rep.F91055
21.NORD, BjörnSwedenD7945
22.VLASÁK, TomášCzech Rep.F9945
23.KABERLE, FrantišekCzech Rep.D8835
24.BARTOŠ, PeterSlovakiaF9835
.BERTUZZI, ToddCanadaF9835

POSPosition (F - Forward, D - Defense)
GPNumber of games played
+Positive participation
-Negative participation
+/-Net result of positive and negative participation

Source: IIHF
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